Turning lemons into lemonade.

Welcome to Side Effect Support! The fact that you are here shows that you have been affected by cancer in some way. Perhaps you are fighting this battle with your own health or helping a family member or friend with their battle. Facing cancer is a journey that is filled with questions, fear and feelings of helplessness.
Launching Side Effect Support is truly a dream come true. It was inspired by too many family experiences with cancer and wanting to turn them into something good. It is designed to provide answers to some of the questions and ease the feelings of helplessness by addressing oral side effects that can greatly affect the comfort, health and quality-of-life of those fighting cancer.
This page will be updated frequently, providing information and helpful tips to reduce dry mouth, mouth sores and other oral side effects of cancer treatments.
Like us on Facebook and share your Side Effect Story to help others. You are the best advocate for your health. Be an active participant in your care.