Being A Survivor
Sunday, June 2, 2013 was the 26th annual National Cancer Survivors Day. It is a day to reflect and to celebrate life. It's a chance to recognize the strength of those who are surviving cancer each day as well as the support of family and friends who are there each step of the way. It also is a day to offer hope to those who have been recently diagnosed.
Who exactly is considered a "survivor" of cancer? The National Cancer Survivors Day website offers a meaningful answer to this question.
A survivor is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.
If you've just been diagnosed with cancer – you're a survivor.
If you've been in remission for 20 years – you're a survivor.
If you're an adult who had cancer as a child – you're a survivor.
If you're living with cancer as a chronic disease – you're a survivor.
If you're currently in active treatment for cancer – you're a survivor.
If you've beaten cancer and been declared cancer-free – you're a survivor.
Whether you're in treatment, just diagnosed, or have been in remission for 20 years, you're a cancer survivor.
I could not have said it better myself. But please don't limit this celebration to June 2nd. I hope that you all see the beauty of the day before you and the beauty within yourself. I hope you take time to celebrate your life!