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Oral Microbiome Diversity and Species Abundance Linked to Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers

Oral Microbiome Diversity and Species Abundance Linked to Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers

The results of a prospective study by researchers in the United States and China suggest that the type and abundance of bacteria found in the mouth may be linked to lung cancer risk in nonsmokers. The study, which Albert Einstein College of Medicine assistant professor, H. Dean Hosgood, PhD, and colleagues said is the first of its kind, indicated that fewer species and higher numbers of particular types of oral bacteria seemed to be linked to heightened risk of lung cancer. Reporting their results in Thorax (“Variation in oral microbiome is associated with future risk of lung cancer among never-smokers”), the researchers acknowledged that further work will be needed to further understand the role of oral and respiratory tract microbiota in respiratory diseases. Nevertheless, they concluded, “Our observed associations highlight the importance of the microbial richness, and the potential relevance of rarer taxa, in relation to the risk of lung cancer.”

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